Monday, March 30, 2009

I have autism

We were watching the news and there was some clip about a program for kids with autism.

Lauren shrieked and said "Mommy, they talk about me. I have autism"

She was so proud. You would have thought she had just discovered a cure for autism or even a treatment program that middle income families could afford.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Jokester

Lauren has memorized a joke:

L: Why libraries so tall?

any willing victim: I don't know

L: They made of many stories

Hysterical laughter ensues. If Ellie is near by, she adds "they have books too".

Friday, March 27, 2009

I don't think I could take another angry phone call this week

I'm very tired of helping people with disabilities this week. I am also very tired of being yelled at by people who think they have disabilities.

Unsolicited advice coming up:

I'm sorry that you disagree with our definition of disability. I did not set it. I do not know you personall and I am not here to deny you just cause. I take my job seriously and I try to make the best, timely descision I can. However, I can't just allow you because your broke.

I don't think Social Security is going to change its rules just cause you don't like them.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lauren's self portrait

(With Maximum assistance of course)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Most Prayed for Child

Years ago (well not that long ago, it was still in this century), I desired something that like I had never had before. I wanted a baby. It was not so far-fetched. I was married, we both had great jobs, and loved children. Plus we are just so awesome, it seemed unfair to the world for us not to allow our genetic material to live on.

I struggled with infertility. Month after month, I saw one line. One lonely little line. I never ovulated and therefore never got any closer to those two lines. I eventually went on Clomid and got pregnant with that child.

All of those months before June 2002, I prayed for a baby. All I wanted was a baby. I prayed like I never had before. I would beg God for a baby. I repeatedly told Him that I didn't care what the baby was like. I was more than willing to take a baby with different needs.

God answered my prayers. I saw those two lines in July of 2002. I had an unevenful pregnancy and my beautiful baby girl was born on 3/22/03. She had a difficult first year. She had severe GERD and screamed for up to 14 hours a day until 4 months. She was diagnosed with FTT at 3 months. Everything seemed to resolve at 18 months. We thought she had simply outgrown everything. Her stomach and her gastrointestinal tract had caught up to her. We were ready to start typical parenting experiences.

God knew what He was doing. He gave me that child I prayed for and chose to honor my entire prayer. He did not send Lauren as a punishment or a threat. He did choose to give me Lauren because I prayed for something I didn't understand. He chose to give me Lauren because He is who He is and He is good.

I love Lauren to the dept of my soul. I love Lauren more than I ever imagined loving someone. I love Lauren despite the costs. I love Lauren for who she is right now. But ultimately God loves her more.

Even if Lauren remains exactly who she is and never changes, God loves her and God chose her and that is a miracle.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Tonsils and Adenoids are Gone

Miss Ellie's surgery was today. Her tonsils and adenoids are gone. She had the distinction of having the biggest tonsils of the day and being the youngest patient. Pretty impressive for only three years old.

She was quite nervous about the entire things. She hated the yellow pjs they made her wear. They simply did not pass the Ellie fashion test.

I was able to go with her as she was put under. I am so fortunate that our hospital allows us to do that. I love being able to hold their hands as they slip into a sleep. I don't have to hand a hysterical child off to a nurse and walk away. I carried her in and she didn't even know I had left. I was fortunate to do this with Lauren as well.

We hung out most of all day. She made a craft, got a balloon, watched some videos, played bingo and ordered more food than she eats on a normal day.

She will be home tomorrow. I miss my Miss Ellie.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy 6th Birthday Lauren!

You have made us better parents and better people.

Grandpa got her this crown.

Could it really be 6 years?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Hope you are wearing green Lauren might get you otherwise.

Bob walked down to the basement today to find Lauren sitting on Shannon. Poor Shannon was squealing as hard as she could!

Bob told Lauren to get off of her sister.

Lauren looked at Bob and said "But Daddy, she no wearing green I have to punch her"

Guess she's a little mix up, huh? The best part was that Shannon hadn't even had a chance to get dressed. It was only 7:30.

Monday, March 16, 2009

One OT assessment coming up

Lauren's referal for OT was sent today. I sweetly asked the nurse to send it in prior to her 6 year appointment. She's had OT before, has Autism, and her Neurologist strongly recommends it. I told them if I was wrong they could fax something that could remove her from the wait list.

Oh, did I forget the wait list. It streteches as far as you can see. They are scheduling assessments in July and August.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I'm right

We went to the St. Patick's Day parade yesterday. The best part of the parade was the candy throwing. If you are 3 and 5, that is the parade.

Ellie came home and busted into her candy bag (there wasn't all the much). The girls are great with the candy they get. They bring me up pieces and ask "is this gum?" They know they are not allowed to eat gum so they bring it to me. Ellie ended up eating almost of her bag. I warned her that it could cause her stomach to hurt later.

She walked up to me a few hours later and said, "Mommy, I guess your right. My stomach hurts". I never thought I would hear those words form her. It definetely needed perserved for prosperity.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Our Early St. Patrick's Day

The town we live in had a St. Patrick's Day parade today. We decided to make a day of it.

We went at 8:30 so we could get some good seats. We tossed our blankets and our wagon right outside of Ellie's preschool. We went to the Pancake breakfast. The pancakes were good. It appeared we got there at the right time as the line got very long as soon as we sat down.

They were seeling raffle tickets and I made Bob buy some. Wouldn't you know the next two prizes go to him? We won a $140 gift card to the wine cellar and a medium pizza to a local pizza shop.

After, we left we went to the library for storytelling. It was good until the welcoming committee (aka Shannon) started entertaining everyone. She was cute but people were not there to see her.

We went back and waited for the parade and listened to a band, the Hoolingans. They were quite entertaining.

It was fun waiting for the parade

Some of the parade. It was a little cold. We asked Lauren and Ellie what they liked best they both said "The candy". What's a parade without candy!

Afterwards, they had some crafts, some bounce houses and some food at a shopping center. We watched Irish dancing. The girls were mesmerized and Ellie tried some while she watched. At the end of the day, Shannon was done.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Disability speak

A little lesson in disability speak. When referring to a person with a disabilty, you refer to the person first and then the disability.

A person in a wheelchair.

A person with MS.

A child with autism.

Not an autistic child. It makes it sound like autism is the sum of her entire being. Yet she is so much more. She is a child, a daughter, a fun kid, a sister, a grandchild, a student, a daisy girl scout. She may have autism but she is so much more than autistic.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I stuck, I stuck

Shannon gets stuck a lot. We ususually know about it quickly. She yells "I duck, I duck"

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Scary thought

Just think she could be doing this in about 10 years!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Interview with the kids

1. What is something mom always says to you?
L- I love you
E-don't touch anything

2. What makes mom happy?
E-Playing with me

3. What makes mom sad?
L- When I do the things I'm not supposed to do
E- I don't listen to you

4. How does your mom make you laugh?

5. What was your mom like as a child?
L-a kid
E-A kid who liked toys

6. How old is your mom?
L-I don't know

7. How tall is your mom?

8. What is her favorite thing to do?
L- Go play with Snuggy bear
E- Play with me

9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
L-go to work
E- take me to preschool

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?

11. What is your mom really good at?
L-Playing with Snuggy
E-Playing with us

12. What is your mom not very good at?
L-Playing tea party
E-playing with boxes

13. What does your mom do for her job?
E-brush our hair

14. What's your mom's favorite food?
E-macaroni and cheese

15. What makes you proud of your mom?
L-You are good at playing with Snuggy
E-coming home from work

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
E-don't know

17. What do you and your mom do together?
L-play with Snuggy
E-play together with cars

18. How are you and your mom the same?
L-Hair the same
E-I can't know

19. How are you and your mom different?
L-You are taller and I'm shorter
E- You taller

20. How do you know your mom loves you?
L-because you love me
E-gives lots of hugs and kisses

21. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
L-go to the mall
E-go to the Y

22. Why does mommy love you?
L- Because I love you
E- I'm your kid

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The playground

We went to my parent's house and had a great time at a school playground near their house.

Friday, March 6, 2009

MRI today

I was very nervous taking Lauren in for this procedure. The Cat Scan was a disaster. It took over 5 needle sticks to get an IV in. By the time they did, Lauren was absolutely hysterical. I've had this on my mind since then.

Of course, the hospital did not make things better. They called on Wednesday and did a brief history with Bob. He said she had autism. We never hide these things. They call back on Thursday and decide that she is no longer a canidate for oral sedation and want to put her under general anthesia to do the MR. The reasoning is that kids with autism don't do well with sedation. Instead of going to sleep, they become extremely hyperactive and combative.

That's fine and well but Lauren's been sedated 3 times before. She has never had a problem. She has always gone right to sleep. The Cat Scan was the exception. I'm convinced that it was due to the adrenaline flowing through her that kept her from going to sleep immediately. Anyway, she never became combative. This is the part that I hate. They looked at the diagnosis, the didn't look at the child. Lauren is not just a kid with autism. Her name is Lauren and she has a specific medical history. Please look at it.

After a lot of convincing, they agreed to try the sedation but kept an appointment for general anthesia for Monday if we failed. What could be more reassuring then that! The good thing is that one of the nurses remembered us. She said Lauren went right to sleep. I don't mean much as a mom but if a nurse says it, it must be true.

We went in and I mentioned the problems we had last time. The nurse looked at her veins and said "I'll call the IV team" They came in, threw some hot compresses on her, and had her IV in before she could even flinch.

The MRI was totaly uneventful. No adrenaline so they used about 1/3 of the meds they did before. She was stirring when they carried her up. She sat up, drank some apple juice, and chewed on a cracker. We were out of there as soon as we could sign the paperwork. Much, much better. I love the IV team!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


We now have a wonderful way of knowing if the phone is ringing at our house. It's Shannon. Everytime the phone rings, she starts running around shrieking. Da Phone! Da Phone!

What would we do without her!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

I turned 32 today and it was a great day.

We went to church and then out to eat. We went to the Cheesecake Factory for brunch. It is much more affordable for lunch then it is for dinner. We had 3 pieces of cheesecake (it was my birthday so we splurged). I wanted that instead of cake.

Lauren and Ellie insisted on chocolate so they shared Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake. Bob got Peanut Butter Cookie Dough or something like that. I got Bannana Cream. It was great except the littlelst girl kept eating all the bannanas bfore I could get to them.

We went home and played with my birthday present some more. All I wanted was Wii Fit. We are having a great time with it. The girls love the running section. We have made Miis that resemble them so while you run they shout "there's me, I'm running the wrong way"

Bob left for work. I ended up taking Ellie for what I thought was strep but ended up being an ear infection. Of course on Monday, she was fine. I never did get that antibiotic filled. (Shh, don't tell! Most of my family would think that was child abuse). We stopped by to see Bob. Then, we went to bed and Lauren throw up all over me at 1:30 am.

It is the life I always wanted 10 years ago. I just didn't know it.