Monday, March 23, 2009

Tonsils and Adenoids are Gone

Miss Ellie's surgery was today. Her tonsils and adenoids are gone. She had the distinction of having the biggest tonsils of the day and being the youngest patient. Pretty impressive for only three years old.

She was quite nervous about the entire things. She hated the yellow pjs they made her wear. They simply did not pass the Ellie fashion test.

I was able to go with her as she was put under. I am so fortunate that our hospital allows us to do that. I love being able to hold their hands as they slip into a sleep. I don't have to hand a hysterical child off to a nurse and walk away. I carried her in and she didn't even know I had left. I was fortunate to do this with Lauren as well.

We hung out most of all day. She made a craft, got a balloon, watched some videos, played bingo and ordered more food than she eats on a normal day.

She will be home tomorrow. I miss my Miss Ellie.

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